Double membrane enclosed
oragnelle of diameter 0.5 to 10 micrometres which is mainly found in eukaryotic
cells. mitochondria is inherited only from mother. It is also known as the power
house of the cell or energy factories because they are resposible for making
the energy currency which Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP). Some multicellular organisms
lacks mitochondria like mature mammalian red blood cells.
It is semi-autonoumous organalle
because it has its:
- OwnCircular DNA
-and own Ribosome
It consists
1. 1Outer membrane
2. Inner membrane
3. Cristae
4. Inter-membrane space
5. Matrix
1). Outer membrane:
Outer membrane of mitochondria
is completely surrounded by the inner memmbrane with the small intermembrane
space in between. It consists of 50% phospholipids by weight and also many
enzymes. It is porous in nature.
2). Inner membrane:
The inner membrane of
mitochondria gets folded over sevral times and formes a layered structure which
is known as Critae. Containing high amount of protein than phospholipids. It is
not porous in nature because it do not contains porins like outer membrane.
The machinery which is responsible
for ATP formation and It is the site of electron transport chain which is and
important step for aerobic respiration that is present in it.
It is the site of electron
transport chain
3). Cristae :
The name cristae dervied from
latin word for crest it is responsible
for giving the wrinkled shaped, providing the large surface area for ATP synthesis.
4). Inter-membrane space:
The compartment present
between the outer membrane and iner membrane of mitochondria and a protein called cytochrom c found in it and
this protein is required for suicide of cell.
5). Matrix
The space in inner membrane
gel like consistence due to high concentration of water soluble protein known
as matrix it conatains mitochondrial’s dna, soluble enzymes, ribosomes, small
organic molecules, inorganic ions and nucleotide cofactors.
Function of mitochondria:
1. 1. The primary function of
mitochondria to produce energy currency of the cell is ATP by converting the
organic materials into cellular energy.
2. Heat production
In certain condition the
re-entry of protons in the matrix of mitochondria without contribution of ATP
synthesis. This whole process is known as proton leak and it happens due to the
facilitated diffusion of protons into the matrix and hence heat released.
3. Storage of calcium
Uptake and release of calcium
4. It the site of synthesis of
certain amino acid and heme group.
5. Helps in regulation of cell death,
which is apoptosis.
6. Control of the cell cycle and
cell growth.
7. Cell signalling
8. Steroid synthesis.
9. Immue signaling.
10. Regulation of membrane potential